Monday, September 18, 2006


An instant message conversation with a friend, based upon the fact that I mentioned on my other blog that I am educating my children at home, instead of the default word "homeschooling" them. (Oh, by the way, I do not often punctuate or capitalize in instant message, even though I know how to do so perfectly well. -grin-)

LisaQuing: i just got tired of saying homeschool and "doing school"
LisaQuing: since i am trying NOT to do "school"
Friend: we're not a school
Friend: we're a family
LisaQuing: i am going to try to remember to say "we home educate our children" or "we teach our children at home"
LisaQuing: instead of we homeschool
LisaQuing: not sure if i can move to "we have our children at home with us"
LisaQuing: our children learn at home? hmmmm
Friend: ever since the little girl on the corner said my kids aren't in 'real school' I've been thinking about what that means to me lol
Friend: just at home?
Friend: -g-
Friend: not at the zoo?
Friend: museum?
Friend: park?
Friend: aquarium?
Friend: ROFL
LisaQuing: right, true
LisaQuing: our children learn everywhere except in school
LisaQuing: lol
Friend: lol
Friend: I like that!
LisaQuing: Homeschooled kids - learning everywhere
Friend: except school

My new motto - Learning everywhere except school!

I am going to stop calling the kids down for "school" and start calling them down for "learning". Let's see if I can make this switch.

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