Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Freebies are Coming!

The freebies are starting to roll in! I got some gun safety DVD's and a rubber playground ball last week. I'm trying to remember to tell you about them as they come in, but I tend to forget. Oh yeah, I also got a really tasty granola bar a week or so ago.

My freebie Suave coupon finally arrived! I have less than 3 weeks to redeem it! LOL Other freebie coupons that came were the Diet Dr. Pepper and some kind of health bar (EAS) which I am not sure I'll be able to find!

At the library last night, the book sale was on clearance. (That's the library right here in my town, for you locals.) Paperbacks 6/$1 and hardcovers 50 cents. I found 6 paperbacks and 2 hardcovers, so for 2 bucks, I bought a few romance novels, a vegetarian cookbook (that may go to one of my sisters - guess which one?), a book on 100 cool vacations, a leather-bound NKJV Bible and a copy of The Shack (which I read, but hadn't bought - anyone want to borrow it?). Awesome eh?

I'll leave you with a pic of the dishes I bought at the thrift store a few weeks ago. I didn't get a whole set, just 8 dinner plates (pictured with white center) and several smaller plates (pictured with grapes in center). I've also stacked them and taken a photo that way.


Anonymous said...

I love the dishes... your table will be pretty this Spring, with a big bouquet of lilacs in the middle!

I'm glad you're taking advantage of the freebie's... I really enjoy them, too!


Texan Zombie Goddess said...

I got my Suave coupon too :)!! I even got ones for Glade candles!


Anonymous said...

Very lovely dishes!!! Mom

Wee Pip said...

Nice dishes! Congrats on your rejection query letters - that's farther than most people get in the publishing industry, right? All great authors have trouble getting their foot in the door at first, but their tenacity is what gets them there. So keep trying!!

Anonymous said...

Okay now I have to start the freebies too~! ANd which thrift store?! I'm loving those dishes!

I have to start a blog- I'm tired of the word verification! YUCK!
