Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Curriculum Sale Not All That

A nearby homeschool group hosted a used curriculum sale today boasting over 50 vendors and only $1 admission. I have a list of things I need for next year, so I thought I'd give it a go. Even though it was my youngest daughter's birthday! She came along with me for a special mother-daughter time. The others stayed home with their dad.

Sadly, I didn't get anything on my list. Mostly I need Math-U-See (several different things), but I also need IEW SICC-B and some kind of Japanese curriculum (maybe Rosetta Stone). No luck at all. Not much MUS in evidence for sale. A friend with a table at the sale was selling her SICC-A, but I really want (need!) level B.

I came home with a few odds and ends - mostly some enrichment books, a box of fraction manipulatives that I hope will help Emily, a large butterfly coloring book that Suzy just HAD to have (really large, like 2x3 FEET), and some stuff from the free table.

A nice sale, especially if you just need some extra stuff, but not what I was hoping for. And no, there were NOT 50 vendors there. My rough estimate would be around 30 sellers.

So, my search for used curriculum continues. Please comment with your favorite websites for buying used curriculum. I have a few favorites, but am always looking for new places to search!


Lori Schuster said...

I am interested in used curriculum as well. I am going to be schooling third, fifth and eighth graders next year (although my 8th grader needs some serious remedial work on grammar and spelling.)

MICHELE said...

awe... too bad about the sale. but the butterfly coloring book sounds awesome!!!! i bet i would even like it!!!! glad you and suzy had a special time together on her birthday!

i love james' artwork... he gave a great birds eye view of the game!


Sadie said...

You have VegSource swap boards on your list, right?
