Monday, May 25, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook - May 25

For Today... May 25, 2009

Outside my window... 2 of my kids on their bikes, the neighbor mowing his yard, our really long and lush green grass, a black pickup truck driving by, trash cans waiting for tomorrow's pickup

I am thinking... about this darn broken tooth half-hanging there. I knew it would happen eventually because I couldn't afford the crown, but break OFF already. Don't just HANG there!

From the learning rooms... this is our first week of "vacation". I need to compile and unveil our summer learning plans, but I think this week will just be Bible and finishing up David's leftover lessons.

I am thankful for... lovely weather!

From the kitchen... a strawberry Dream Pie for Bob's birthday today! The pie in the picture is not the one I made. I did take some photos but I haven't uploaded them yet.

I am wearing... my too-big (!) jeans, red tee that says "America" and a blue hoodie, white socks, white tennies, blew my hair straight today and put on makeup.

I am reading... Ready to start re-reading Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis (the first in his Space Trilogy). Finishing The Barbarian Way: Unleash the Untamed Faith Within by Erwin Raphael McManus (recommended by my pastor) and Senior High: A Home-Designed Form-U-La by Barbara Edtl Shelton.

I've been watching... Singin' in the Rain (love it!), the Left Behind movies with David (since he's reading the books), half of the Benjamin Button movie (finding it dull, reminds me of Forrest Gump somehow), also Lady in the Water, although I only halfway paid attention to it.

I am hoping... to get a good amount of editing done this week on Mystery Valley Ranch, to send out a few query letters and get Bob to apply to at least 5 jobs. There were at least 5 in the newspaper classifieds this weekend that he could do!

I am creating... a large pile of clothing for the clothing swap on Thursday

I am hearing... People talking faintly outside, the keyboard tapping, Suzy calling her dad. The mower next door just went off and it seems really quiet.

Around the house... Some clothes I bought half-off at the thrift store today! Nice haul! No one did chores today since it was a holiday so it's looking a little grubby 'round here.

One of my favorite things... my MP3 player and the doo-hickey that lets it play through the cassette player in my van.

A few plans for the rest of the week... James' last two soccer games, meetings with the homeschool leadership team and the current soccer registrar, a thrift store sale, a free clothing swap, and lots of work on editing and writing.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you.
My girls had their Keepers at Home dessert "banquet" at an Elks Club in a nearby town. Emily has on the black jacket and Suzy is under the Elk. They are with my friend's son and daughter.

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