Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Try-It Tuesday: Traditions

Do you have traditions in your home? Traditions are part of what makes your family unique and what gives your kids a family identity.

On the first day of school, our kids look forward to having ice cream sundaes for lunch! Other First Day traditions include a treasure hunt (with clues) to find their new school supplies, taking photos, and no actual schoolwork. lol

We have holiday traditions - baking a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas Eve and then taking it outside for him to "blow out" the candles, dying eggs for Easter, a homeschool party on Valentine's Day. Getting together with family the Saturday before Christmas is an important way we celebrate together.

Summer brings more traditions. Visiting the local fair happens for us usually every OTHER year - traditions don't have to be yearly. Beach Day with our friends happens several times throughout the summer. A family reunion picnic is something else we make time for every year.

Camping with families from our homeschool group for several days each summer is another tradition. Three summers have included this and this week will be the fourth installment of this relaxed, fun-filled week at a nearby state park.

Some traditions I've tried to instill and failed - one would be having a "special person" plate and getting that out for people on their special days. For some families, this rocks! For ours, not so much.

What's important is building memories with your kids. Forming meaningful traditions means that you are being an intentional parent. What kinds of things are you doing to make memories with your family?

Creating Family Traditions - gives some specific suggestions
Scrapjazz - Creating Family Traditions - idea of using a planner to keep track of family traditions
Creating Lasting Traditions - ideas specifically for mealtimes
100 Ways to Celebrate Your Family - printable 1 sheet .pdf with, yes, 100 ideas to do with your family

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