Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lisa's Logbook - August 12

Michael Brian Ogden as Henry V
1 - Church attendance (not happening; lack of desire)
2 - Body for Life 12 week challenge
3 - Preparing for karate testing. AM I READY???

1 - Got to see Henry V live in the park after one failed attempt. VERY MUCH worth it!
2 - Went running twice and my foot survived! Running 20 minutes only (with a little walking in there).
3 - Finally made it to the Detroit Institute of Arts WITHOUT children. My friend and I walked slowly, looking thoroughly at everything that interested us. No one said, "I'm hungry," or "I need to go potty," or "How much longer do we have to do this?" Heavenly! (This was a couple weeks ago, but I didn't blog, so it counts, right?)

1 - Mending two sleeping bags with an old flannel sheet
2 - Back to the co-op planning now that it's August
3 - Getting ready to go camping again, just our family this time
4 - Planning my writing classes

From the Library: Harry Potter's Bookshelf: The Great Books Behind the Hogwarts Adventures by John Granger
Movies: all the old Bourne movies, The Nines (with Ryan Reynolds), The Two Towers
Netflix: Discovered Arrested Development and have finally cultivated a taste for MI-5
On my Kindle: Holy Habits: A Woman's Guide to Intentional Living by Marilyn Wilson

Tasty:  I had fettucine carbonara on my day off Body for Life and it was DELISH!!
Obsession: Trying to find out where Richard Armitage is filming nearby. I keep finding out AFTER the fact. Frustrating!
Oops: oh yeah, I have lesson plans to do! Can't skate by forever without doing them!
Serendipity: got to swap something I didn't need for a jewelry box cabinet that I love!
Fun Times: book club in the park - two weeks in a row (one rainy, one not!), hanging out with friends to watch the Bourne movies, 
Anticipating: Lake Huron this week, Lake Michigan next week. 


Anonymous said...

Isn't Michigan great? In the midst of all those great lakes? Love, Mom

Denise Bryant said...

I love all the Bourne movies! I think the new actor was a good choice, looking forward to seeing the new movie sometime.