Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Learning Spanish for Free

My friend Michele posted a couple freebie Spanish links, so I thought I'd toss some out into cyberspace as well.

My Spanish 1 playlist from youtube (vids I have found and shared with my Spanish 1 students to reinforce class concepts)

I especially like tontitofrito's videos. I think if you watched them in order from start to finish, you'd have a whole year's instruction.

Free Spanish printable worksheets

The BBC's free Spanish learning program including 22 interactive episodes and tips to complete it in 12 weeks

Spanish Proficiency Exercises
from University of Texas at Austin (to evaluate yourself. Obviously the goal of learning a language is proficiency, not just taking the class.)

Social Language Learning Online
You can join and use all basic features for free: chat, flashcards, messaging, making friends, and more. If you want to learn with a language course, you can try a free option or pay for a premium course. You can learn for free with Basic courses 101, 102, 201 and 202.

That ought to give you some options to choose from. I have more links saved on my other computer, but too many choices sometimes muddy the waters, don't you think?

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