Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Art Class

Art class happens once a month with Mr. West of Christian Art for Kids. He teaches the students step by step how to create a specific drawing, using skills that are transferable to drawing in general.

He calls the whole class up to his table to demonstrate the steps and techniques, then the kids go back and do it themselves. He also shows the steps on a whiteboard. After each child has completed the step, he brings it up to Mr. West for inspection. Usually he gives some very short encouraging statement to each child each time they come up. Lots of positive reinforcement and no one falls through the cracks.

I think the best parts of the class, however, are when Mr. West shares his stories and personal testimonies. He always guides the kids (and parents) to look to the Lord and always has a word of praise or encouragement!

David is on his third year with Mr. West, if I recall correctly. Emily is on her second year, and today was James's first class.

Their finished drawings from today (completed entirely in class) are below. Can you guess whose is whose?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!!! The drawings are spectacular!! Love, Mom