BibleWe did a lot better with Bible this week. Any late starts did not affect our Bible time - we just did it anyway. We read all of Galatians (6 chapters) and the last part of Chapter 1 of
Making Brothers and Sister Best Friends. (We are going very slowly through it this time, in hopes of being able to implement some of the techniques.)
We also continued singing our October songs -
The Old Rugged Cross and
Great and Mighty is He.
MathDavid did Test 27 and started Lesson 28 (which is military time - easy!!) in Math-U-See Pre-Algebra.
Emily worked on Lesson 23 in Gamma and it's a hard concept - double digit multiplication (2 digits top and bottom).
James worked on Lesson 8 in Gamma
Suzy finished Lesson 9 in Alpha (I think).
Language Arts - Literature and ReadingDavid is reading
The Landing of the Pilgrims for Literature. Emily read several chapters in
Anne of Green Gables and answered oral comprehension questions. James is reading
The Story of Ships (an Usborne book). Suzy worked in
Phonics Pathways, reviewing short vowels. All the children did silent reading every day (their choice of books).
We finished reading aloud
The Family Under the Bridge. I'd recommend it as a good Christmas read-aloud, if you're looking for a short book for that. (Not a Christian novel, but a good discussion starter.)
Language Arts - WritingDavid and Emily did Lessons 2-3 in IEW SWI-B Lesson 7 DVD. All the children wrote in their Communication Journals and wrote a letter. James and Suzy did 2 penmanship pages.
Language Arts - OtherDavid and Emily did three pages in Easy Grammar - prepositions still. They also did 4 days of Spelling lessons. Suzy did 8 pages in Explode the Code 2. James found his Explode the Code so he also did 8 pages.
ScienceDavid took the test for Module 2 of Apologia Physical Science and began Module 3. He does this study almost completely independently, but he called me in to watch one really cool experiment where he created a vacuum.
Emily, James and Suzanne didn't do Science this week
HistoryDavid worked on History of US Book 2 - read Chapters 5-16 and did the mapwork for those pages.
The younger children learned about Vesuvius and Pompeii, Masada (Israel), and the Dead Sea Scrolls. They made their own "ancient" documents and erupted volcanoes in the backyard. They added these events to our cumulative timeline.
Other activitiesAll the children did Creativity Express art appreciation software for 30 minutes. David finished the program. (It was supposed to last all year!!!) All worked on typing instruction one day as well (Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing). Suzy had her last soccer practice. James' practices were cancelled. They both had their last soccer game. James scored a goal!!! David assisted with soccer practice and refereed one game.
We attended our homeschool co-op on Friday. I could type out all those activities, but, well, I don't wanna! lol
Next week will be our 9th week of lessons. In traditional school, nine weeks is often a marking period. So that's really a good time for us to change focus. November is going to be writing month here at Cornerstone Academy, as I've mentioned. We will keep doing Math and Content Area subjects.
After November, we'll take the first two or three weeks of December for "Christmas School". (Stay tuned for details.) Then we'll have a two or three week break from formal lessons. That's another 8 or 9 weeks and then January will be a great time to transition back into "normal" lessons.
Don't look for a lot here during NaNoWriMo, though! From November 1-30, my focus will be on writing my novel. I am aiming for 75K this year! Can I do it??? Well, not if I blog as much as I normally do! lol