Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lisa's Logbook - May 8

Current Mood: Blessed
Outside: 60's, sunny, and GORGEOUS!
Wearing: hot pink tee, jeans, pink hoodie socks
Tunes: nothing really
Kids Are: 1 is napping, 2 are on the computer, and 1 went upstairs for an unknown reason
Hubby Is: visiting his mother
Made Me Laugh: seeing similarities between Thor and Lord of the Rings (they have a cave troll!)
Made Me Sad: arguing with my son
Made Me Smile: being at the nature center with my kids in the sunshine
Blessings: The Message Bible has been a huge blessing to me in the past couple weeks.
Reading: listening to the oh-so-dull Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper, in the middle of How To Be Perfect (about a church trying to live the book of Leviticus for a month), still reading The Slumber of Christianity by Ted Dekker, and 32 Third Graders and One Class Bunny: Life Lessons from Teaching by Phillip Done
Watching: Psych, Thor, It's Kind of a Funny Story
Considering: Why is church important? Why does it look like it does in modern America? Why should we be involved? How do we find "church" in the church?
Working On: planning soccer registration, grading essays (40 more), getting the teen kids' outfits ready for the homeschool banquet, and the co-op schedule for next year
Accomplishments: Cleaned up the landing, got the essays all graded before class, got a tentative co-op schedule figured out with Darlene
Lessons: almost DONE!!! Our last day will be the Friday before Memorial Day; I have some learning planned for the summer though.
Agenda: Working 5 hours M-F, karate, soccer practices and games, grading essays, a Park Day, two sessions of soccer registration (I am in charge), a homeschool banquet - BUSY BUSY BUSY
Pic: James and me today at the nature center.

1 comment:

Denise Bryant said...

You have a busy week ahead, like always. Interesting church questions!